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Reserve Management Plans

Reserve Management Plans ensure that reserves are managed consistently, and that the natural, recreational, historical and cultural values in the reserves are protected.

frimley park playgroundThere are more than 180 reserves covering approximately 560 hectares within Hastings that are owned and/or managed by Hastings District Council.

These open space areas are generally classified under the Reserves Act 1977, which requires public reserves to be managed using Reserve Management Plans. The plans ensure that reserves are managed consistently, and that the natural, recreational, historical and cultural values in the reserves are protected. The process provides the community with the opportunity for meaningful input and, once a plan is completed, a clear understanding of how a reserve will be looked after.

The Act expects the plans to provide a framework that preserves the natural character, ecosystems, landscapes and indigenous species of flora and fauna, while ensuring, as far as practicable, public access.

Generally, Reserve Management Plans set out things like what activities can be held on which reserves (eg: organised sport; overnight camping), playground management and development priorities, access into and through reserve areas, sign protocols, and landscape protection.

To date, nine reserve management plans have been completed. The plans are regularly reviewed throughout their 10-year lifespan to respond to changing circumstances or increased knowledge about a reserve.

District wide plan

District Wide Reserve Management Plan

To ensure continuity of reserve management across the district, Council has prepared a district-wide Reserve Plan. As well as identifying management practices that are common to all of the district’s reserves, it sorts them into categories which assists with identifying those that require individual plans. The categories are: Sport and recreation; community; public gardens; open space; Linkages; cultural heritage; civic space. While the District-Wide Reserve Management Plan applies to all reserves; in the case of a reserve which is part of a group or individual plan, the latter takes precedence.

Grouped reserves plans

Cape Coast Reserves Management Plan

This 10-year-plan, adopted in 2017, provides Council with a framework for the day-to-day management and decision making for 10 Cape Coast reserves in Haumoana, Te Awanga and Clifton. The plan recognises that the reserves have a variety of habitats, from beachside to lagoons and riverside, and that the community uses them for a range of activities, from camping and picnicking to playing sport.

Draft Tainui, Tanner, Tauroa and Hikanui Reserves and Keith Sands Grove Reserve Management Plan 2022-2023
Draft Tainui, Tanner, Tauroa, and Hikanui Reserves and Keith Sands Grove Reserve Management Plan 2022-2023 - Summary
Raureka Parks Reserve Management Plan

This document is a Management Plan for the parks and reserves within the Raureka area of Hastings City: Ebbett Park, St. Leonards Park, and Whenua Takoha Reserve (the Raureka Parks).

Tainui Tauroa Tanner Hikanui

These four reserves in Havelock North: Tainui, Tanner, Tauroa and Hikanui, are areas of mature trees with very popular walking and cycling tracks. The 10-year-plan (adopted in 2015) focuses on the protection and enhancement of the four reserves’ natural and recreational values.

Waimarama Reserves Management Plan

This 10-year-plan, adopted in 2014, provides Council with a clear framework for the day-to-day management and decision making for seven reserves in Waimarama, including Waimarama Domain and beach areas. The plan takes into account that many of the reserve areas, particularly near the beach, are home to key community assets, including the surf club and children’s playground.

Waipatiki Domain

The two reserve areas in Waipatiki include a range of habitats and popular public areas. The 10-year-plan (adopted in 2009), focuses on the protection of the indigenous vegetation in the bush and coast areas, and the management and development of the popular ‘village green’.

Individual reserve plans

Cornwall Park Reserves Management Plan

This plans contains objectives and policies for the future management, protection and development of Cornwall Park.

Draft Eskdale Park Reserve Management Plan 2022-2023
Draft Eskdale Park Reserve Management Plan 2022-2023 - Summary
Duart House Reserves Management Plan

A focus of this 10-year-plan, adopted in 2015, is the protection and enhancement of the natural and historic values of Duart House and Gardens, and its use and enjoyment by residents and visitors. The emphasis is on acting as a keeper of, and witness to, the 20th century lifestyle and heritage.

Flaxmere Park

Flaxmere Park’s 10-year-plan, adopted in 2011, recognises that the park makes an important contribution to Flaxmere. It is a key urban recreational area on which sports and events are held and includes a popular children’s playground.

Frimley Park Reserve Management Plan 2022-2032
Havelock North Domain Reserve Management Plan
Keirunga Gardens Reserve Management Plan

This document is a Reserve Management Plan for Keirunga Gardens, which sets out the vision, objectives, policies and priorities for the Gardens for the next ten years.


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