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Cornwall Park Aviary Quiz

Cornwall Park Aviary Quiz

Search for these answers when you next visit the Cornwall Park Aviary. 

  1. In addition to high quality seed mix, what are the birds fed to ensure they receive all their required essential nutrients and have enough variety to prevent them becoming bored?
  2. What should also be added to the diet of Alexandrine Parakeets as a source of calcium, particularly prior to and during breeding?
  3. Red-Rumped parrots typically breed in what season?
  4. Budgerigar clutches typically contain how many eggs?
  5. How long do Cockatiel eggs take to hatch?
  6. Once hatched how long do juvenile Rainbow Lorikeets take to fledge (take flight)?
  7. What colours are the collars around male Alexandrine Parakeets necks?
  8. Cockatiels use their distinctive crests to express their moods. What does it mean if their crest is positioned halfway upwards?
  9. Below what temperatures do Red-Eared Slider turtles undergo brumation (a process similar to mammalian hibernation, characterised by periods of inactivity)? 
  10. The gender (male/female) of Red-Eared turtles is determined by the temperature at which the eggs are incubated. If incubated at cooler temperatures (27°C), what gender will the turtle be?
  1. A mix of fruit and green vegetables
  2. Cuttlefish or shell grit
  3. Spring and early Summer
  4. 4-8 eggs
  5. 21-23 days
  6. 55-65 days
  7. Red and black
  8. They are tired or in a relaxed state
  9. 10 degrees
  10. Male

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