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Hastings War Memorial Library

A detailed seismic assessment of the Hastings War Memorial Library, undertaken by WSP for Hastings District Council, shows the building is potentially at risk in a significant earthquake.

Hastings War Memorial Library

A detailed seismic assessment of the Hastings War Memorial Library, undertaken by WSP for Hastings District Council, shows the building is potentially at risk in a significant earthquake.

The assessment resulted in a rating of 20% NBS (percentage of New Building Standard) for both the original portion of the building built in 1957, and the extension which was built in 1992. A building with an earthquake rating of less than 34% NBS is considered to be earthquake-prone.

The library building’s low seismic rating indicates uncertainty as to how the building would respond in significant but rare earthquakes. However, a risk assessment report says the building is not at risk of failure in smaller more frequent earthquakes. The seismic risk evaluation report by Kestrel Group says: “continued occupancy and use of the building is appropriate while plans for the building are being developed and implemented”.

The library will remain open while appropriate plans are developed for the library to bring it’s seismic rating above 34% NBS. As with other EPB of this type, Council will have 15 years to undertake the necessary remediation work. 

This page will be updated as plans are developed by Council to address the issue.

See a full list of FAQs below.


Library seismic assessment FAQs

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A Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) is an assessment of the likely behaviour of a building during a sizeable earthquake. Engineers assess critical elements in the building structure and their potential vulnerabilities e.g., roof, columns, cladding, flooring etc. Individual elements are scored based on the percentage of New Building Standard (% NBS) achieved. This percentage identifies the level of risk that existing buildings represent when compared to a similar new building built to current Building Code standards.

Council engaged WSP to undertake a DSA for the Hastings library given the age of the original section of the building and as part of a wider seismic review of Council-owned assets.

Both the original portion of the building (built 1957) and the extension (built 1992) have been assessed as 20%NBS (percentage of New Building Standard).

A building with an earthquake rating of less than 34%NBS is considered to be earthquake-prone.

The library building’s low seismic rating is due to the presence of structural weaknesses in certain sections.

In the original section there are inadequacies in the connections between the roof trusses and the supporting concrete frame elements.

In the newer part, the assessment identified shortcomings in some connections between the mezzanine framing and the concrete block walls.

No. A seismic risk evaluation report by Kestrel Group has determined that “continued occupancy and use of the building is appropriate while plans for the building are being developed and implemented” The library will remain open while plans are developed to address the issues.

As with other earthquake-prone buildings of this type, Council has 15 years to undertake the necessary remediation work to bring its seismic rating to 34%NBS or above.

Updates on remediation plans will be shared as details are worked through by Council.

The building is not at any imminent risk of failure in a moderate earthquake. The likelihood of an earthquake large enough to cause structural failure in any given year, or over a 5-10 year period, is considered low.

Library staff are trained in earthquake drills and evacuation processes in the unlikely event of an earthquake occurring of a size that would impact the building.

Library members can access the physical collections at the Flaxmere and Havelock North library facilities or use the eLibrary via the Hastings District Libraries website.

Seismic Assessment Reports


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